Friday, March 10, 2017

USA is the most preferred destination country in 2016

HotelsPro, a technology and reservation solutions provider for travel industry professionals and a brand of the world's leading travel and accommodation supplier MetGlobal Group of Companies, announced "Global Travel Statistics for 2016".

According to the data collected from HotelsPro's offices in London, Shanghai, Orlando, Dubai and Istanbul, USA is the most preferred destination country in 2016. While Italy (8%) is the second most preferred destination country, it is followed by Germany (6,1%), UK (5,9%) and Spain (4,9%) in the ranking.

Europe ranked #1, Asia ranked #2

Analyzing the data by continent, the most visited continent is Europe (58%). Europe is followed by Asia (19,5%), North America (16%), South America (2,6%), Africa (2,3%) and Oceania (1,6%) according to the "Global Travel Statistics for 2016" released today.

Italy, Egypt and UAE are prominent countries in their continents

Based upon preferred countries on continents basis, the most preferred one in Europe is Italy with 13,8%. Germany (10,4%) and UK (10,2%) followed Italy in the rankings. The most preferred one in Africa is Egypt with 26,7%. Morocco (21,3%) and South Africa (18,6%) followed Egypt in the rankings, this time. The most preferred one in Asia is UAE with 19,7%. Thailand (12,8%) and Malaysia (7,9%) followed UAE in the rankings for Asia.

USA and Australia are well ahead

While the the most preferred country in North America is USA with 78,3%, Canada (9,1%) and Mexico (8,7%) followed USA in the rankings. In Oceania, the most preferred country is Australia (74,6%). New Zealand (21,2%) and Fiji Islands (1,4%) followed Australia, accordingly. The most preferred country of South America is Brazil with 25,2%. Argentina (22,9%) and Colombia (21,9%) followed Brazil in the rankings for South America.

Average length of stay is 2,8 days

According to the data collected from HotelsPro's London, Shanghai, Orlando, Dubai and Istanbul offices, travellers all over the world mostly stayed between 1-3 days in the locations they have visited in 2016. While 75% of all accommodations constitute of 1-3 days stays, 4-7 days stays are 22% of all accommodations which has taken place in 2016. The ratio of 7+ days stays is 3%. Based on all accommodation periods, the average length of stay is 2,8 days.

Source: USA is the most preferred destination country in 2016

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