Tuesday, March 14, 2017

CBN cashlesscardexpo Africa to hold in Lagos

As Africa's payment landscape is bursting with enterprise and innovation, that energy has inspired fresh engagement among youths.

CardExpo2017 is planned to bring under one roof, for two days, a charged atmosphere where ideas are brewed in a most compelling way that can give you e-banking business and payment services.

The seventh edition of the Central bank of Nigeria's (CBN) Cashless CardExpo Africa, which is scheduled to hold in Lagos will aggregate the energies of this era and capture the waves of technology and lifestyles, as well as present an encompassing worldview for the emerging approaches to payment and enterprise.The annual

The annual event, according to the organisers, the African Destination Trade Show for Payment and Allied Industry will hold on June 13th to June 15th June 2017 at Eko Hotel and Suites, Lagos.

CardExpo2017, in line with continuing its tradition, will presents avenues to harvest the opportunities being offered in this demography, particularly in a peculiar economy in recession. Never in the history of theAfrican Continent has technology and society had such a seamless relationship as it is today as the activities of citizens, companies and governments continue to tilt towards untraditional approaches to the solution.

The theme; Millennials in the Marketplace: LifestylesRiding on Disruptive Payment, influence is a global phenomenon and figuring out millennial, has all the elements of a gold rush in the making.

Disrupting everything from how you work, to how you buy groceries. This demographic group is even now redefining how businesses are done.

This will prove crucial in the next several years, as young professionals represent both the future of enterprise and commerce in Africa.

Happening along with this bold in-road into the millennials demography are the collocated events happening simultaneously at CardExpoviz The Start-Up Challenge which will give an opportunity to Millennials with Fintech ideas to pitch their solutions and stand a chance of being incubated at a national hub.

Others include the Data fiesta an initiative promoting global connectivity and access to the internet and the IGR Forum all of whose Sponsors will be announced in due course.Trailblazers' and culture influencers in this category, whose lifestyle and choices are being mirrored by

Trailblazers' and culture influencers in this category, whose lifestyle and choices are being mirrored by a peer will be given the platform to lead them into their disruptive turf, where banks and businesses can spy at evolving trends, observe the winning norms and adapt to change.

This will prove crucial in the next several years, as young professionals represent both the future of enterprise and commerce in Africa.

Source: CBN cashlesscardexpo Africa to hold in Lagos

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