Monday, March 13, 2017

Symposium Mines Guinea: Transforming Guinea’s economy through mining and investment

MAURITIUS, March 13, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Now in its 5th edition, Symposium Mines Guinea organised by the Ministry of Mines and Geology, in partnership with AME Trade Ltd, is firmly established as the largest mining event in West Africa and will take place from 9 – 11 May 2017, in Conakry, Republic of Guinea.

Due to the importance of the mining sector on Guinea's economy, The Ministry of Mines and Geology aim to make this sector the most investor friendly mining destination in Africa and have begun taking the necessary measures to implement strict good governance policies for regulation and promotion of transparency.

Supporting the government's vision of transformational investment, the 2017 programme theme is set on: "The Mining Sector: The Key To Transforming The National Economy For The Benefit Of All Actors".  With special focus sessions on gold, bauxite, diamonds and iron ore, this year's innovative agenda will explore some of the following topics:   

  • Essential tools for attracting mining investment to the Republic of Guinea
  • Financing mining activities in the Republic of Guinea
  • A geological overview of the Republic of Guinea
  • How can partnerships in infrastructure act as a catalyst for the growth of the mining sector
  • Empowering the mining sector through an adequate supply of energy
  • Local content policies and implementation for economic growth
  • An international spectrum of highly relevant speakers and supporters have taken the opportunity to participate at SMG 2017. This includes the likes of:

    AngloGold Ashanti - DADCO Alumina & Chemicals - Guinea Alumina Corporation S.A - HALCO Mining - Société Minière de Boké (SMB) - AMC Bauxite - Forward Africa Resources - SMD Nordgold - JA Delmas - Société des Bauxites de Guinee (SBG) - Total - Alufer - Geni & Kebe - SRK Consulting - WIRTGEN Group - VIVO ENERGY Guinée - Sylla & Partners

    Symposium Mines Guinea 2017 will delve into the Government's plans for world class laboratories as well as unveil new technology that will be used for insightful research in expanding the mining sector.   Geological data will be presented by local permit holders who are looking for investment or project partnership. Data will be available before the event for potential investors to study.

    Event website:

    Press accreditation contact:

    Source: Symposium Mines Guinea: Transforming Guinea's economy through mining and investment

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